Af/Pak & Other News (8/13/2015)
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2015-08-13 18:21:40 UTC
Afghan delegation arrives in Pakistan to discuss peace after talks with Taliban


After Suspicious Silence, Al Qaeda Leader Said to Reemerge in Audio Tape:


Afghanistan's $335 Million Power Plant Is a Waste of Space; America built a
power plant Kabul barely uses:


Afghanistan to convert unarmed MD 530F helos into gunships:


75th Ranger Regiment Soldiers Go Covert in Pakistan:


Iranian UAV <<Shahed 129 >> crashed in Pakistan:


Iran's Sadegh UCAV Armed with Air-to-Air Missiles:


Islamic State truck bombing at Baghdad market kills 67:


ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape:


IS Group Accused Of Using Chemical Weapons On Iraqi Kurds:


Turkey's Bombing Campaign Echoes the 1990s:


Senior US military official: Turkey 'needed a hook' and tricked us on ISIS:


After setbacks, U.S. aims to recalibrate new Syrian force:


Isis 'hacking division' releases details of 1,400 Americans and urges attacks:


U.S. said it will create a buffer zone on Syrian border. But nobody knows how.:


Task Force Orange Targets Syrian Foreign Fighter Networks:


Hamas has dug 'several tunnels' into Israel, in new Iran-funded war drive:


Israel Prevents Cyber Breach Into Its Defense Ministry Files:


ISIL Demands To Be Heard:


IDF may look to indoor drone system to explore Gaza tunnels:


Egypt, other countries interested in French Mistral warships:


ISIS is ramping up its state-building project in its Libyan 'capital':


The Pirates Adapt To Failure And New Opportunities:


Ukraine battles pro-Russian rebels for access to key port:


'Senior officers gathered us in a conference room': Russian Army major
describes being sent to Ukraine:


Britain broadening training for Ukrainian soldiers:


American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled:


Propaganda Watch: Listen to Two Russians Badly Impersonate CIA Spies to Pin
MH17 on U.S.:


Development Work Begins On New Buk Missile:


Ukraine Debt: Putin's Trump Card:


Russia Wants Its Secrets Back:


Russian Air Force to Receive First Modernized Tu-160 Bomber in 2021:


Russian ship designers push ahead with a nuclear aircraft carrier design and a
smaller non-nuclear aircraft carrier:


What's Putin Doing in the Arctic? Trying To Keep Russians Distracted:


Chechen Women Scam ISIL:


U.S. allocates $500,000 for Baltic journalism programs to combat Russian


AW109LUH (Light Utility Helicopter), Italy:


Royal Navy's £10billion submarine project at risk due to delays and


Europe plays catch-up with US in drone technology:


Terrifyingly Huge Explosion Rocks Tianjin, China:


China will upgrade supercomputer to 100 petaflops in 2016 instead of 2015 with
applications like genomics and scramjet combustion:


Taiwan's F-16s to carry Lockheed Sniper Pod:


Image analysis suggests North Korea boosting uranium stocks:


Does Thailand Need Submarines At All?:


5 general officers who were almost certainly crazy:


Drone smuggles heroin into U.S.:


Cloak and Dagger Again:


N.S.A. Used Phone Records Program to Seek Iran Operatives:


The US has been complacent and lazy in responding to cyberattacks:


DARPA targets next generation vacuum tubes that will create electronics that are harder to jam:


Video-The U.S. Army Tests New Artillery Rockets; The warheads will replace
cluster bombs:


The Army Enlists Lockheed To Build Another Laser:


The Pentagon's Half-Billion-Dollar Drone Boondoggle:


America's Secret Airline Flies Non-Stop To Area 51:


How the Air Force's new No. 2 officer survived getting shot down over Serbia:


The U.S. Air Force Is Worried:


Rockwell Delivers First Gen 3 Helmet for F-35:


Air Power Abandoned: Dropping the F-22:


Lockheed Martin Expands Cruise Missile Production Facility:


So How Hard Is It to Shoot Down a Stealth Bomber? Not impossible, but it is
extremely complicated:


Navy Getting 'Smarter' About Tanking Mission As Super Hornets Approach 6,000


Recent MDA SM-6 test demonstrates ship to shore tactical data link:


Where is the U.S. Navy Going To Put Them All? (Part Three):


While the U.S. Air Force Tried to Kill the A-10, Officials Struggled to Keep
the Jets Airborne; Conflicting policies starved the Warthog of upgrades:


Swarms for Defense at Sea:


Super Hornet Service Life Extension to Commence as Early as 2017:


US Navy considers reduced annual F-35C buy:


US Navy Details Future Carrier Air Wing:

2015-08-13 18:42:18 UTC
'Senior officers gathered us in a conference room': Russian Army major=20
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag, and this is the real

American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled

The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American troops are teaching the
Ukrainians, but what they may be learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.

YAVORIV, Ukraine¡ªThe clatter of rifle fire, the thud of mortars, and the
thunder of grenades echoed across this military training ground near the Polish

It was nothing that many of the Ukrainian soldiers arriving here hadn¡¯t heard
before in the eastern regions of their country, and it was familiar music, as
well, to the Americans who have come here to try to make them even better

The Ukrainians brought stories from the front about the enemy, the arms, and the
firepower used against Ukrainian troops. For American soldiers, listening to
these members of former Soviet forces talking about their adversaries, also from
the former Soviet army, this has been an education. It has given them a chance
to study in granular detail a great deal about the evolution of Russian combat
forces in the last quarter century.

Indeed, U.S. troops and Ukrainian troops learning from each other seems to be
just the kind of thing that Russian President Vladimir Putin was worrying about
when he called an emergency meeting of his security council on Wednesday.

As the pace of fighting in eastern Ukraine picks up (with each side blaming the
other, as usual), one of Moscow¡¯s stated concerns is about Ukraine¡¯s new
defense doctrine, officially released this week.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev told journalists it
¡°provides the United States and NATO with an opportunity to use Ukraine¡¯s
resource base and provokes further escalation in the southeast of the country.¡±
Kiev¡¯s doctrine includes major military reforms and names Russia as the most
dangerous enemy. The U.S., British, Polish, Canadian, and other NATO military
forces drilling with Ukrainian forces this summer are a strong signal for Putin
and his closest circle that the West is ready to be involved in a military
conflict. They may also give him a pretext to raise the stakes in Ukraine¡¯s
eastern region, known as Donbas.

Rival exercises in other areas by NATO and the Russians represent the biggest
build-up in military tensions with Moscow since the Cold War, according to many
analysts. And Putin seems to relish the confrontation, even when his security
cabinet recommends caution.

¡°The situation is very tense and concerning,¡± independent analyst and former
Kremlin adviser Stanislav Belkovsky told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. ¡°Putin
is ready to fight with NATO, as he seriously believes that the U.S. wants to
occupy Russia.¡±

¡°Putin is ready to fight with NATO, as he seriously believes that the U.S.
wants to occupy Russia.¡±

Among the 10 members of his Security Council, ¡°Putin is the only one who is
convinced that all of his men are ready to die for him; so far he can see that
with the death toll of Russian recruits growing in Donbas, Russians have not
been out protesting against the war,¡± Belkovsky said.

Russian opposition leader and former KGB officer Gennady Gudkov told The Daily
Beast, ¡°Unfortunately, I believe that an escalation of the conflict and clashes
between Russian- and Western-supported forces are possible.¡±

When the Russian independent radio station Echo of Moscow conducted a survey
after Putin¡¯s security council meeting asking whether the station¡¯s listeners
believed there could be a direct military conflict between Russia and the West,
43 percent of the audience said, ¡°Yes.¡±

Here at Yavoriv, in the shade of a military vehicle, two veterans of wars in the
Middle East, Zachary Savarie, 28, from New York state, and Allen Porter, 33,
from Missouri, were discussing the challenges Ukrainian soldiers were facing in
Donbas. What would they do if their units were surrounded with Russian-made
tanks and Russian-backed forces? The traps and encirclements in which Ukrainian
soldiers have suffered major losses have occurred at least twice in the past
year, in Ilovaysk and in Debaltseve, battles known as closed ¡°kettles¡± in
Russian military parlance.

¡°Let me think for a moment, that is a difficult one,¡± said Porter, who served
three tours in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. ¡°Whenever you are surrounded, it¡¯s
a bad day,¡± he told The Daily Beast.

For the U.S. military, this is ¡°a mission of high responsibility to train
soldiers to fight for their country¡¯s sovereignty,¡± Savarie said. Since April
2014, the Ukrainian military has lost more than 2,495 soldiers, killed by
Russian-backed rebel forces. ¡°We have never had such bad casualties in one
year,¡± said Savarie, a veteran of two tours in Afghanistan up against the
Taliban. ¡°We rarely or never saw massive forces backing our enemy, we have not
faced numerical superiority, so we can take lessons from Ukrainians, ask them
how they apply skills in different situations.¡±

The U.S. military is drawing on its own experiences to teach the Ukrainians how
best to survive under heavy artillery barrages, tank and sniper attacks, how to
defend their positions with the resources they have, and many other useful
skills, some of them excruciatingly obvious. (One basic lesson: Don¡¯t kick what
may be improvised explosive devices found on the ground.)

The Ukrainian soldiers are grateful, especially for the equipment the U.S.
military has provided, including long-range radars, drones, and night vision
equipment, Ukrainian National Guards officer Vadim Perepichka told The Daily
Beast on Wednesday. ¡°The most useful experience I had during my two months with
the U.S. Army¡¯s 173rd Airborne Brigade was the night program, when we learned
to conduct special operations wearing night vision goggles,¡± Perepichka said as
he headed back to the front lines.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), meanwhile,
reported an escalation of the fighting outside Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. Kiev
reported attacks by about 400 rebels supported by tanks in Starokhnativka
village outside Mariupol, a strategic port on the Sea of Azov. Rebel leaders
denied the attacks.

By the end of the program about 500 Ukrainian National Guards are to be trained
by the U.S. military. British Defense Minister Michael Fallon also said Tuesday
that British veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were planning to train
more than 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the end of this year.

The soldier students of Yaroviv are not under the Ukrainian Defense Ministry¡¯s
regular army but from units of the National Guards, some professional, some
volunteers or drafted soldiers without any proper military training. But their
motivation is impressive, they are eager to learn new skills, and they ask every
day for new challenges.

Beginning this week, U.S. paratroopers are preparing to teach their students to
conduct squad maneuvers in live-fire exercises in order to proceed with Fearless
Guardian, a military training program approved by the U.S. Congress and run by
both the State Department and the Pentagon. The mission and the program of
instruction come at the request of the Ukrainian government. The paratroopers
are in Ukraine for the second of three rotations scheduled to last through

Moscow has complained frequently about the ¡°provocative¡± presence of the U.S.
paratroopers in Yavoriv, blaming Washington for threatening the peace. ¡°With a
smokescreen of claims about an alleged presence of Russian troops in Donbas,
Washington is trying to divert the international community¡¯s attention from its
military deployment in Ukraine,¡± the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman,
Alexander Lukashevich, said in a statement last April. ¡°It¡¯s obvious that the
U.S. troops on Ukrainian soil won¡¯t bring it peace.¡±

By July the number of foreign military on Ukraine¡¯s soil had increased to 1,800
soldiers. The exercises were organized by International Peacekeeping and
Security Center in the Lviv region and focused on defensive operations as well
as integrated command posts for units from 18 countries.

Once again Moscow was angry: ¡°The military drills involving NATO members and
Ukraine¡¯s army that started in Lviv region under U.S. command are a clear
demonstration of NATO¡¯s provocative policy to unequivocally support the
policies of the current Kiev authorities in eastern Ukraine,¡± the Foreign
Ministry said in a statement.

Both for Ukrainian society and the professional military, it is important that
the world has pulled together to support their country, Ukrainian Defense
Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Poronyuk told The Daily Beast. ¡°Russian leadership
knows perfectly well that we have had joint military exercises with NATO for 20
years here outside Lviv. This is the biggest training field in Europe; it can be
useful for any NATO member, and for our military it is important to develop from
the army of the fifth generation, like the Russian army, to the army of the
seventh generation, like they have in the U.S.¡± Poronyuk said.

During the Cold War, Col. Poronyuk joined the Soviet military and for over a
decade served in Russia without the slightest idea that one day his home city of
Lviv would host U.S. paratroopers training Ukrainian soldiers.

For the U.S. military, the changes in relationships with Russia in the past few
years are dramatic, as well. Only two years ago, in 2013, Porter was involved in
bilateral military exercises with Russian airborne troops. ¡°Just one year
later, in 2014, I was based in Estonia waiting for Russia to attack, and this
year we are here training to fight a Russian enemy,¡± he said.

¡°The enemy is not just one thing, they dress different, they look different, we
need to be flexible, ready for anything, ready to go anywhere and do anything,¡±
Savarie added.

And how does it strike you, after years fighting Iraqis and Afghans, that your
enemy now is just as blue-eyed and blond as you? ¡°We heard from the Ukrainian
military that sometimes a brother has to fight against a brother in the east of
their country. That just blows your mind,¡± Porter said.

There are many lessons to be learned on Ukraine¡¯s battlefield¡ªfor all sides.
Oleg Smirnov
2015-08-13 19:16:09 UTC
Post by jack595
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag,
and this is the real thing
Rattled? I moderately noticed the fact of the abandoned flag,
and a bunch of Fredas and Jacks started to ardently deny that
this is the USMC flag. Shame on them.
Post by jack595
American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled
The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American
troops are teaching the Ukrainians, but what they may be
learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.
If the Americans are really at the battlefield then be ready
that some of them will be killed there in the combats against
the Donbas troops.

The American teaching itself is rather a sort of joke, the
Yanks taught, eg., the Saakashvili henchmen and Iraqi troops.
Did it really help them? No. Moreover, the folks that closely
directly interacted with the American teachers somehow become
America-haters later. For example <http://migre.me/radfT>.
2015-08-13 22:35:10 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag,
and this is the real thing
Rattled? I moderately noticed the fact of the abandoned flag,
and a bunch of Fredas and Jacks started to ardently deny that
this is the USMC flag. Shame on them.
Post by jack595
American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled
The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American
troops are teaching the Ukrainians, but what they may be
learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.
If the Americans are really at the battlefield then be ready
that some of them will be killed there in the combats against
the Donbas troops.
The American teaching itself is rather a sort of joke, the
Yanks taught, eg., the Saakashvili henchmen and Iraqi troops.
Did it really help them? No. Moreover, the folks that closely
directly interacted with the American teachers somehow become
America-haters later. For example <http://migre.me/radfT>.
Rattled, you whined for several posts about an invasion by mercenaries. Do not
antagonize these people, they extract retribution. I would think the Ukrainians
would be more susceptible to outside teaching, seeing as how they have this
thinly disguised Russian force occupying their territory.
Oleg Smirnov
2015-08-13 23:10:03 UTC
Post by jack595
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag,
and this is the real thing
Rattled? I moderately noticed the fact of the abandoned
flag, and a bunch of Fredas and Jacks started to
ardently deny that this is the USMC flag. Shame on them.
Post by jack595
American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled
The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American
troops are teaching the Ukrainians, but what they may be
learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.
If the Americans are really at the battlefield then be
ready that some of them will be killed there in the
combats against the Donbas troops.
The American teaching itself is rather a sort of joke,
the Yanks taught, eg., the Saakashvili henchmen and
Iraqi troops. Did it really help them? No. Moreover, the
folks that closely directly interacted with the American
teachers somehow become America-haters later. For
example <http://migre.me/radfT>.
Rattled, you whined for several posts about an invasion
by mercenaries.
Please, stop lying.
Post by jack595
Do not antagonize these people, they
extract retribution. I would think the Ukrainians would
be more susceptible to outside teaching, seeing as how
they have this thinly disguised Russian force occupying
their territory.
You seem to don't understand, that's a common pattern.
Mr Obama Bin Laden was once an American beloved friend,
but then he arranged the 9/11. Why? Probably, he had
learnt the American teachers closer ;-) I myself a few
years ago was much more friendly towards America until
I better learnt what is within the mindset of the folks
like you.
2015-08-13 23:35:32 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag,
and this is the real thing
Rattled? I moderately noticed the fact of the abandoned
flag, and a bunch of Fredas and Jacks started to
ardently deny that this is the USMC flag. Shame on them.
Post by jack595
American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled
The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American
troops are teaching the Ukrainians, but what they may be
learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.
If the Americans are really at the battlefield then be
ready that some of them will be killed there in the
combats against the Donbas troops.
The American teaching itself is rather a sort of joke,
the Yanks taught, eg., the Saakashvili henchmen and
Iraqi troops. Did it really help them? No. Moreover, the
folks that closely directly interacted with the American
teachers somehow become America-haters later. For
example <http://migre.me/radfT>.
Rattled, you whined for several posts about an invasion
by mercenaries.
Please, stop lying.
Post by jack595
Do not antagonize these people, they
extract retribution. I would think the Ukrainians would
be more susceptible to outside teaching, seeing as how
they have this thinly disguised Russian force occupying
their territory.
I myself a few
years ago was much more friendly towards America until I better learnt
what is within the mindset of the folks
like you.
Yeah riiiight...
Next thing you'll be claiming to have an American friend
2015-08-13 23:31:35 UTC
Post by jack595
Rattled, you whined for several posts about an invasion by mercenaries. Do not
antagonize these people, they extract retribution. I would think the Ukrainians
would be more susceptible to outside teaching, seeing as how they have this
thinly disguised Russian force occupying their territory.
He's probably the worst disinformation agent I've ever seen.
And those Russian troops are only to happy to tell all when they're captured
Fred J. McCall
2015-08-14 15:37:05 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
Now we know why Oleg was so rattled by the Marine flag,
and this is the real thing
Rattled? I moderately noticed the fact of the abandoned flag,
and a bunch of Fredas and Jacks started to ardently deny that
this is the USMC flag. Shame on them.
Yeah, shame on us for knowing what the USMC flag looks like while Oleg
was, as usual, puling in ignorance.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by jack595
American Paratroopers in Ukraine Have Putin Rattled
The Kremlin is worried about not just what the American
troops are teaching the Ukrainians, but what they may be
learning from them and the Donbas battlefield.
If the Americans are really at the battlefield then be ready
that some of them will be killed there in the combats against
the Donbas troops.
The American teaching itself is rather a sort of joke, the
Yanks taught, eg., the Saakashvili henchmen and Iraqi troops.
Did it really help them? No. Moreover, the folks that closely
directly interacted with the American teachers somehow become
America-haters later.
This development obviously has Russia worried, judging by Oleg's
"Adrenaline is like exercise, but without the excessive gym fees."
-- Professor Walsh, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Andrew Swallow
2015-08-13 21:16:10 UTC
Post by d***@hotmail.com
2015-08-14 02:24:52 UTC
wrote in message news:6cf787f8-a2d1-47b9-b106-***@googlegroups.com...
Kornet AT missile takes out Mi-8 chopper:
